Are Baby Spoons Necessary?

Are Baby Spoons Necessary?

Baby spoons are not strictly necessary as there are other ways to feed a baby, such as using a regular spoon or even your finger. However, baby spoons are specifically designed to be safe and easy to use for both babies and parents. They are typically made from soft, flexible materials with a small, rounded tip to ensure they are gentle on a baby's delicate gums and mouth, and can also have a longer handle for easy reach. These features can make feeding a baby more comfortable and less messy for both the baby and the parent.

Furthermore, using a baby spoon can also help a baby learn how to eat and move food around in their mouth, which is an important skill for later on. Also, it can allow for more control over the amount of food that is given to the baby, which can be useful for babies who have trouble swallowing or for those who are at risk of choking.

In summary, baby spoons are not strictly necessary but they can make feeding a baby easier and more comfortable for both the baby and the parent. And they can help with the development of the baby.

Why Do You Give A Silver Spoon To A Baby?

A silver spoon is often given to a baby as a symbol of wealth, prosperity and good luck. The tradition of giving a baby a silver spoon dates back to the 16th century when silver was considered a valuable and precious metal. Giving a baby a silver spoon was a way of wishing them a prosperous and successful life.

The practice of giving a silver spoon to a baby also has a symbolic meaning. The spoon represents nourishment, care, and protection. It is a way of wishing that the baby will be well-nourished, well-cared for and well-protected throughout their life.

silver spoon

Nowadays, giving a baby a silver spoon is more of a sentimental tradition than a practical one, as baby spoons are made of different materials like plastic, silicone or rubber that are safer and more appropriate for babies. Also, silver is not recommended to use for babies, as it can cause an allergic reaction.

In summary, the tradition of giving a silver spoon to a baby has its roots in the past, and it is symbolic of wealth, prosperity and good luck. But it's not a practical or safe option for baby feeding.

Can you do baby led weaning with a spoon?

Baby-led weaning (BLW) is a method of introducing solid foods to a baby that involves allowing the baby to self-feed and explore different foods, rather than being spoon-fed pureed foods.

It is possible to use a spoon when doing baby-led weaning, but it's not the typical way of doing it. BLW focuses on giving the baby finger foods that they can pick up and eat on their own. These finger foods should be soft, easy to chew and easy to hold, such as pieces of fruit, vegetables, bread, pasta, cheese, etc.

The baby can learn to use the spoon, but it will not be the main tool for feeding, rather it will be a way for the baby to explore and learn how to use utensils, and it will help them develop their fine motor skills.

It's important to note that not all babies are ready for baby-led weaning, and it's important to consult a paediatrician before starting with BLW. Also, parents should always supervise their baby while they are eating, to make sure they are safe and to avoid the risk of choking.

In summary, baby-led weaning is a method of introducing solid foods to a baby that involves allowing the baby to self-feed and explore different foods, rather than being spoon-fed pureed foods. It is possible to use a spoon when doing baby-led weaning, but it's not the typical way of doing it. It's important to consult a paediatrician before starting with BLW and to always supervise the baby while they are eating, to ensure their safety. As using a spoon can be a way for the baby to learn and explore with utensils but it's not the main tool for feeding.

Why not spoon feed a baby?

Spoon-feeding a baby can have several drawbacks. One of the main reasons not to spoon-feed a baby is that it may not allow the baby to develop their self-feeding skills. Babies who are spoon-fed may be less likely to learn how to pick up and eat foods on their own, which can delay the development of their fine motor skills.

Additionally, spoon-feeding can also limit a baby's exposure to different textures and flavours, as spoon-fed babies may be more likely to only eat pureed foods. This can make it harder for them to transition to table foods later on.

Another reason not to spoon-feed a baby is that it can be messy and time-consuming for parents. It can also be frustrating for both the baby and the parent if the baby is not able to eat as much as desired.

Finally, spoon-feeding can also increase the risk of overfeeding, as the baby may not be able to control how much food they are eating, which can lead to weight gain.

It's important to note that not all babies should be fed with baby-led weaning, and it's important to consult a paediatrician before starting with BLW or with any other feeding method.


You can find more information and purchase our baby spoon on our website. We're confident that our baby spoon will be a great addition to your baby's feeding routine.